The Professional Engineers Board paid a courtesy call to University of the Bahamas Acting President Jayne Hodder on Wednesday 18th October, 2023 to discuss matters pertaining to how graduates of the University might obtain Bachelor of Science degrees that meet the requirements of the Professional Engineers Act.
Representing the Board were Chairman Sonia Brown, Member Dillon Knowles, and Registrar Wellington Neely, while the University was represented by President Jayne Hodder, Dr. Maria Woodside-Oriakhi, University Provost and Felicity Humblestone, University Chief of Staff.
The discussion was engaging, and the University and Board Members agreed to work together to provide first year engineering students with career path guidance, encourage local internships, encourage local firms to provide scholarships and other funding and develop and maintain links between faculty and the engineering community. In addition, Dr. Woodside-Oriakhi was identified to work with the Board to ensure its participation on an advisory council.
Board Chairman Brown feels that the meeting was a good first step in partnering with the University to ensure that students are equipped with Board approved degrees and certifications.

Pictured from left are: Dillon Knowles, PE (Member), Sonia Brown, PE (Chairman) and Wellington Neely, PE (Registrar)