Understanding the Mission – Week 1 – May 1 -5

Welcome to Week 1 of Building Safety Month 2024! As part of our “Understanding the Mission” theme, we’re kicking things off by covering the basics of building safety and sharing a bit about Building Safety Month. It’s mission critical – building safety is the responsibility of us all, and we’re counting on you to help keep the places where we live, work and play safe!

Evidence of “building safety” is all around us. From an individual level, building safety can include installing smoke alarms in your house or giving portable heaters at least three feet of space. From a community level, building safety can include adopting modern building codes or enacting sustainability initiatives.

Remember, building safety is a comprehensive mission that is only possible when we work together for positive change.

  • All communities need building codes to protect their citizens from hazards like fires, weather-related events and structural collapse.
  • Building codes are society’s best way of protecting homes, offices, schools, facilities, stores and entertainment venues.
  • Building safety professionals, including code officials, work day in and day out to keep the public safe.