Advocate for Your Community

Week 4 gives you all the tips and tools you need to help advocate for building safety in your community! There are many ways to get involved – from social media to public community meetings. Read on for more tips.

Let Your Voice Be Heard

We all have a role in making sure the places where we live, work and play are safe. From reaching out to your local media, to advocating for building safety to local leadership, even the smallest action can make a difference. Here we’ve included education and advocacy tips.

  • Talk to your network about building safety and share fact-based information and resources on your social media accounts.
  • Share news releases with your local newspapers, radio stations and television networks to encourage local media to cover stories related to building safety.
  • Share building safety information or concerns with your community leaders.
  • Plan community events to raise awareness or attend local events about building safety.
  • Contact the code officials for your area to learn more about the building industry and discover local volunteer opportunities.